Yes, i plan to print it in colour. It has been my experience that creating even the slightest doubt quickly causes the shutters to be drawn, so i want to go in strongly while the opportunity exists. Softly, softly? I don't know.
I am extremely conscious that I have covered a lot of territory and that I will reveal what I am.
My overall objective is to free people from religion, to show that the Bible, while upholding many good principles, is based on ancient superstitions and on the supernatural, the mythical. None of the Bible is a literal historical documentary. It uses events to promote ideas, just like Preachers do today in their homilies. The Gospels are religiously constructed to reflect the situation of each group -- and they lived decades after the "Jesus event".
There were any number of claimant Messiahs at the time and Paul, who went into the desert for 14 years, created his ideas with claims that he spoke directly with Jesus.
Paul was the earliest NT writer; the others followed and copied. Did Paul create Christianity by selecting Jesus (Joshua) out of all the claimant Messiahs?
Is God a Christian?
Is God a Roman Catholic? Does God only love people whose doctrines and beliefs are accurate? Does God offer "salvation" on the basis of one's theology, eschatology, soteriology, and Christology? If so, what is the "pass mark" for that test?
Why can no one agree on the reason Jesus had to die? There is any number of models. Augustine's lasted almost 1000 years before being gazumped by Anselm, then Abelaard, then Aquinas, etc., etc. And does it matter what model one has?